Brodin Press is the umbrella company for two outdoor blogs:

Twin Cities Outdoors

Twin Cities Outdoors is the easiest way for Minneapolis/Saint Paul residents and visitors to find local nature-based recreation.

Readers will find information about parks, trails, waterways and campgrounds for all four seasons in the 7-county metro area. Hiking and trail running, biking, paddling, cross country skiing, snowshoeing and camping are all covered. We feature local independent outdoor businesses, gear reviews and other topics on the blog.

I published a series of digital Twin Cities Guides. There’s a Guide for hiking & trail running, biking, paddling and cross country skiing/snowshoeing.

Go to Twin Cities Outdoors

Heaven and Nature

This website is based on the self-published book Heaven and Nature Sing: 365 Daily Devotionals for Outdoor & Nature Lovers (available in paperback, hardback and Kindle).

The book is a collection of outdoor-themed devotionals for Christians with contributions from 25 different outdoor professionals and nature lovers around the US and across the world, edited by me, Sharon Brodin of Brodin Press. It also includes original digital and hand-drawn artwork.

The Heaven and Nature website provides order information about the book. Then the bulk of the site is an active blog covering the topics: Devotional, Nature’s Glory, Stewardship and Discipleship & Community.

The email newsletter Heaven and Nature is published twice monthly to our mailing list.

Go to Heaven and Nature