Convert Your Website’s Visitors into Leads with a Lead Magnet

(Updated October 2021)

You can have the best SEO in the world, but how do you convert those visitors into leads once they find your website? By attracting them with a lead magnet.

attract leads with a lead magnet

If you don’t have a plan in place once visitors reach your website, all that effort into SEO is useless.

You not only want them to find you, you want them to get to know you, learn what you can do for them, give them a reason to join your email list.

You do that by offering a lead magnet. I’ve also heard it called a bait piece, so we’re going to go with that and do what anglers do…

Let’s go fishing!

My husband and two sons are avid fishermen. For years I’ve been hearing about leeches, minnows, Rapalas, spinners, rooster tails and Swedish Pimples (yes, it’s a real bait!).

I don’t know a lot, but I know this—you choose your bait based on the fish you’re after. And your bait needs to be tempting enough for them to bite on.

The same is true for your website. You don’t want your visitors showing up, looking around and “swimming away,” never to return.

Bait your hook

We’ve been fishing in the spring when the sunnies are so active they’ll bite on a bare hook. But usually we need bait to catch the attention of the fish.

Likewise, you want something on your website to catch the eye of your target visitors.

Here and there someone may sign up for your newsletter simply to sign up. But usually you need some kind of tempting offer. Something they want bad enough to give you their email address. A bait piece.

Know your fish

How do you know you’ve got the right bait? You have to know your fish.

If you’re after a walleye dinner, you use bait walleyes love—like leeches. Sunnies love worms. Bass love crayfish.

For your target audience—those you want to attract—what’s their preferred bait? What problem do they have that you can help them solve? What can you offer of value to them? What questions can you answer for them?

The answer is great content that offers information, how-to’s, inspiration, education—even entertainment. Blog posts, podcasts, checklists, and videos are all perfect vehicles.

Even better is a bait piece—more officially known as a lead magnet. A free item—preferably a downloadable item—your target audience sees as valuable, and would love to have: a chart, a checklist, a guide, e-book, audio or video file. There are lots of possibilities.

Why is it better? Because…

Reel them in

Once a fish has seen your bait and bitten, you want to reel it in.

When those in your target market visit your website, you want them not only biting the bait, but coming into the net.

Your bait piece gets their attention and hopefully a bite. Asking them to fill out a sign-up form to get the bait piece is like reeling them in.

It’s a trade-off. They get your valuable bait piece. You get their name and email address. Now you have them on your all-important in-house email list.

This means you can stay in touch with those you already know are interested in what you have to offer. Follow up regularly, and when they’re ready to buy your business has stayed top-of-mind.

So having ways to attract, hook and reel in those visitors who are looking for a business like yours is invaluable. It makes full use of your SEO. It’s the first step in building your in-house email list of prospects.

Here’s a presentation for a little fun:


